When it comes to home loans, there are hundreds of loan programs and options that you may want to consider. Many first time home buyers do not know where to start when they want to buy a home. It is overwhelming to most people who do not have experience buying a home or getting a… Read more »
Tag: USDA Loan
USDA Mortgage Repair Escrow Program
What is a USDA Mortgage? The USDA loan, or Rural Developmental loan, allows for homebuyers to purchase a home with a zero down payment. This is great for people that want to live in a rural area and get a loan that is truly zero down. Benefits of getting a USDA loan is that you… Read more »
Buy A House with a Small Down Payment
If you are a first-time homebuyer, getting a mortgage may seem overwhelming — especially with all the different options available. Maybe you don’t have a lot of money for a down payment or your credit isn’t great. The good news is, you can still qualify for a home loan. Here are 4 low or no… Read more »
USDA Lowers Upfront and Annual Fees for RD Loans
USDA Lowers Fees for RD Loans Great news for homebuyers considering a USDA rural development home loan (RD Loan)! The already popular zero down mortgage is getting even better. The USDA announced this week that they will be decreasing both the upfront guarantee fee—a closing cost which is financed into the total loan amount at close; and… Read more »
New MSHDA Grant | MSHDA Down Payment Assistance Flaws
What everyone is referring to as the new MSHDA grant is not free money. Actually, it is not even a grant. It is a second mortgage that may be used in place of a down payment when buying a new home in the form of down payment assistance. Contrary to what most people assume,… Read more »
2014 USDA Rural Development Loan Eligibility Updates
The National USDA Office in Washington DC has confirmed that they will be using 2010 Census data to update the USDA Rural Development program eligibility maps. Current USDA maps are based on the dated 2000 Census data. This change will not take effect until October 1st, 2014 however the changes will affect many areas nationwide… Read more »